Elecampane is a masculine plant ruled byMercury and the Element Earth. It is a good aidin meditation and for requesting the presence ofspirits
Elder is a feminine plant ruled by Venus and theElement Air. Its branches are widely used formagical wands and it is considered bad luck toburn elder wood. Leaves hung around thedoors and windows are ...
Dragon’s blood is masculine, and is ruled byMars with the Element Fire. A type of palm, it iswidely included in love, protection andpurification spells, usually in the form of a resin.It is carried fo...
Dill is masculine and is ruled by Mercury. ItsElement is Fire. It is useful in love charms. Dillmay also be hung in children’s rooms to protectthem against evil spirits and bad dreams.
Dandelion is masculine plant and is ruled byJupiter and the Element Air. It is useful fordivination and communication.
Daisy is feminine and is ruled by Venus and theElement Water. If you decorate your house withit on Midsummer’s Eve, it will bring happinessinto the home. Daisies are also worn atMidsummer for luck and...
Cypress is masculine and is ruled by Saturn andits Element Earth. It is connected with death.Often used to consecrate ritual tools, cypressalso has preservative qualities.
Cowslip is feminine, ruled by Venus with itsElement Water. Said to bring luck in love, it alsoinduces contact with departed loved onesduring dreams. A woman who washes her facewith milk infused with c...
Coriander is masculine and is ruled by Mars and the Element Fire. It is a protector of the homeand is useful in the promotion of peace. Itencourages longevity and is helpful in lovespells.
Comfrey is a feminine plant and is ruled bySaturn. Its Element is Water. It is useful fortravel, casting spells for money and healing. Italso honours the Crone aspect of the Goddess.
Clover is masculine and is ruled by Mercury; itis also associated with the Triple Goddess. ItsElement is Air. Use it in rituals for beauty, youth,healing injuries, and helping alleviate mentaldifficul...
Clove is masculine and is ruled by the Sun. ItsElement is Fire. Wear it in an amulet or charm todispel negativity and bind those who speak illof you. Cloves strung on a red thread can beworn as a prot...
Cinnamon is masculine and is ruled by the Sun.Its Element is Fire. Its magical properties areused to help in spiritual quests, augmentingpower, love, success, psychic work, healing andcleansing. It is...
Cinquefoil is masculine and is ruled by Jupiter.Its Element is Earth. Hang it around your doorsand windows to protect you from evil. It is usedin spells and charms for prosperity, purificationand prot...
Camomile is masculine, and is ruled by the Sunor Venus. Its Element is Water. Its magicalproperties show that it is good as a meditationincense, for centring and creating anatmosphere of peace. Sprink...
Catnip is feminine and is ruled by Venus. Its Element is Water. Its magical properties areconnected with cat magic, familiars, joy, friendship and love. As an incense it may be used to consecrate magi...
Carnation is masculine and is ruled by the Sun.Its Element is Fire. Traditionally, it was worn bywitches for protection during times ofpersecution. It adds energy and power whenused as an incense duri...
Caraway is a masculine plant ruled by theplanet of Mercury. Its Element is Air. Its magicalproperties are protection and passion. Whenadded to love sachets and charms, it attracts alover in the more p...
Betony is masculine and is ruled by Jupiter andthe Element of Fire. Its magical properties areprotection and purification. It can be added toincense for this purpose or stuffed in a pillow toprevent n...
Benzoin is a masculine plant that the Sun rules,along with the Element of Air. A good purifierand preservative, it is used widely inpurification incenses.
Bay laurel is a masculine plant ruled by the Sunand the Element of Fire. It promotes wisdomand is also a protector, bringing to the fore theability to develop psychic powers. It forces outnegative ene...
YOU WILL NEEDGlass jar or metal containerHandful of basil leavesOne pint of boiling waterMETHOD✤ Shred the basil leaves into the container.✤ Pour the boiling water over the leaves.✤ Allow to steep for...
Many Hindu families keep a tulsi or Holy Basilplant in a specially-built structure, which hasimages of deities installed on all four sides,with an alcove for a small earthenware oillamp. Here basil is...
Aloe is feminine and ruled by the Moon. ItsElement is Water. Its magical properties areprotection, success and peace. Aloe has alwaysbeen known for its healing qualities, fortreating wounds and mainta...
s Attracting men: Jasmine, juniper (dried berriesworn as a charm), lavender, lemon verbena,lovage, orris root, patchouliAttracting women: Henbane, holly, juniper(dried berries worn as a charm), lemonv...
It is sometimes easier to visualize the outcomeof having money – that is, what you are goingto spend the money on – than visualizing actualmoney coming to you. Certain herbs create anenvironment in wh...
Luck is the knack of being in the right place atthe right time and being able to act on instinct.Luck herbs help you create your own goodfortune. Once you have such a foundation, youcan build upon it.
Not only the smell of herbs and plants but alsotheir vibration can help to prevent illness andrestore good health. So, if you are prone toillness, carry health herbs with you and makesure they are alw...
Many herbs have healing properties, which canhelp from both a physical and a magicalviewpoint. A practitioner working from bothpoints of view can be of tremendous help in managing illness. However, al...
Some herbs and plants can by tradition be usedto ensure fidelity. You do have to have a firmbelief that you have a right to another’sdevotion before imposing your will on them.Using a spell for fideli...
The vibration of these herbs is such that theycan help you to meet new people, to overcomeshyness and let others know that you are opento new relationships. They put out a particularvibration so that ...
Such herbs guard against physical and psychicattacks, injury, accidents and such things aswicked spirits. They usually offer protection ina general sort of way.
Most magical practices make use of herbs invarious ways, usually in rituals and othermagical workings. Often they are used asincense, when they are crushed and powdered,or as oils. Their properties me...
Crystals have their own inherent energy, whichmeans that it is very simple to use them asprotective or energizing objects. This in ancienttimes would have made them amulets (see theAntler Charm spell ...
If you wish to use stones and crystals whenlaying out your circle or sacred space, you canuse a mixture of both. You might mark eachquarter with a large stone, particularly if youare outside, and then...
Crystals and stones are gifts from nature and asmentioned above can also be used to enhanceyour rituals and magic. They can become sacred,magical tools in their own right. Whenconsecrating a circle, c...
This spell is used in this instance to charge(energize) water for healing. You can drink thewater or juice, or use the former in your bath.By using planetary significances you can seehow many aspects ...
Sulphur highlights clear expression and physicalfitness; rewards professional acumen with publicacclaim; is powerful against malice; purifies theblood and relieves menstrual tension.
Scheelite highlights diplomacy, businessacumen and self-assurance; promisescommercial and domestic happiness; alleviatesstrife and envy; is handy for nervous disordersand nursing mothers.
Meerschaum benefits philanthropic venturesand investment; favours those working in bigorganizations; clarifies problems and providespractical solutions; relieves anxiety, depressionand nervousness
Marble improves financial position and status in the community; commands respect and admiration; relieves headaches, and stress; preserves home and property from fire, flood and storms.
Jet strengthens determination and focus; affordssuccess to those heading into business; easeschildbirth and dispels fever; offers protectionagainst gossip and harmful actions
Granite wins friendship and fortune; helpswith confidence, particularly in the area ofexamination sitting or employment; easesdepression; resolves conflict and helps findpractical solutions to current...
Garnet helps with devotion, humour andloyalty; increases drive and determination andphysical fitness; wards off thunder andlightning and protects travellers from injury orcontagious disease.
Borax inspires confidence, perseverance anddetermination; it helps to make bad situationsgood; overcomes fear and hesitation and selfdoubt; improves circulation and offers relieffrom migraine, indiges...
Alunite attracts good fortune, health andhappiness; helps understanding and domesticharmony; speeds recovery from illness; protectshome and property against physical andpsychic danger.
Alabaster brings success in litigation, officialand contractual disputes, and wins respect,recognition and reward. It heals rifts; offersprotection against loss of status; and inhibitsdisease.
Saturn signifies concentration, conversation,destiny, experience and perseverance. It relatesto agriculture, antiques, career status, economy,karma, isolation, tenacity, maturity, mining,morality and ...
Here is a simple way to use one of the stonesruled by Jupiter in a particularly modern way,at the same time also appealing to the gods ofcommunication. This is an example ofcombining several energies ...
Spinel enhances speculative powers andcreativity. It rewards efforts made towardsfinancial prosperity and social prestige; guardsagainst psychic attack, mental stress andemotional blackmail; ensures s...
Sapphire affords good health, strength andefficiency; heightens perception and rewardscommercial and social efforts; is stronglyprotective against antagonism and malice;effects reconciliation between ...
Obsidian encourages boldness, determinationand vigour; overwhelms opposition andpromotes personal achievement; is stronglyprotective against psychic attack, accident orinjury; and strengthens weakened...
Carnelian helps with peace, pleasure andprosperity; brings joy to those going on a longjourney or moving house; offers protection totravellers, speakers and expectant mothers;assuages strife, anger an...
Calomine favours visionary and humanundertakings; affords success to joint ventures,especially overseas; deflates skin and feverirritation; dispels parental anxiety and helpswith uneasy consciences.
Blue John attracts honours, wealth, prestigeand social success; improves business andpersonal relationships; guards the weareragainst injury or accident while travelling;mitigates the envy of others.
Alexandrite refreshes the body and mind, andbrings hidden talents to the fore. It is stronglyprotective especially against deceit or treachery;it awards relief from imaginary fears or phobias.
Jupiter covers charity, majesty, mental andphysical searching, might and wisdom. It alsocovers friendships, good judgement,knowledge and understanding, legal matters,philosophy, theosophy, travelling ...
Ruby highlights vitality and virility, bringingpleasure and prosperity; it is good for propertydevelopment; protects crops and offers securityto descendants; dispels strife and dissent
Jasper helps in psychic development; inspiresconfidence, friendship and loyalty; defendshome and family; inhibits unwanted pregnancy.
Haematite promotes successful legal action andofficial contracts; increases sexual drive andfitness; helps overcome nervousness andirritability; improves circulation.
Carbuncle increases energy, determination andconfidence; boosts income and social standing;maintains physical fitness and fights infection;reconciles differences between friends
Bloodstone promotes eloquence, trust, loyalty,and devotion; boosts courage, vitality and theability to earn money; heals discord; relievesdigestive orders or stress and strengthensrecuperative powers
Bauxite enlivens the personality andstrengthens the will to succeed; it encourageswise investment and fruitful speculation; liftsflagging spirits and speeds recovery fromillness; negates strife and re...
Mars symbolizes competition and confrontation,determination, focus and masculinity. It is alsorelated to an adventurous spirit, the armedforces, courage, engineering, the fire service,forcefulness, ma...
Turquoise inspires health, wealth andhappiness; affords a successful conclusion to anyconstructive enterprise; counteracts negativeinfluences; wards off harmful psychic orphysical harm.
Rose quartz enhances psychic awareness andcreative talents; sharpens intellect; preserves thehome and family; heals rifts; brings peace ofmind and understanding.
Opal signifies fidelity and friendship; highlightspsychic and prophetic talents; stimulatesmemory and intellect; and improves vision,digestion and resistance to stress. It alsosafeguards property agai...
Malachite wins favourable judgements in lawsuits or actions; enhances social standing andincreases prosperity; lifts depression, inducessound sleep and serenity; affords protectionagainst infection
Lapis lazuli inspires confidence, courage andfriendship. It helps the wearer to succeed,anywhere; averts danger and preservestravellers and expectant mothers from harm;eases circulation problems.
Jade promotes good health and good situations;favours artistic and musical endeavours; dullspain and helps soundness of sleep; also improves a poor memory; and is stronglyprotective.
Emerald favours love and lovers, promisingconstancy and fidelity; inspires confidence andemotional fulfilment; strongly protective,especially against deceit or delusions; ensuressafety of travellers a...
Coral helps vitality, good humour andharmonious relationships; expands horizonsand helps encourage development; preventsdamage to crops and property; protectstravellers, mariners and small children.
Cat’s eye encourages success in speculativeventures or competitive sport; strengthens ties oflove or affection; protects the home from danger;brings relief to those with respiratory problems
Beryl represents hope, friendship, and domesticharmony; sharpens the intellect and favoursnew commercial projects; clarifies and resolvesproblems; reduces susceptibility to deception ordisillusionment...
Azurite commands social success andfriendship as well as constancy in love; improvesvision, both physically and psychically; protectsfrom deceit and disillusion; affords help to thosefaced with genera...
Aquamarine encourages hope, and promotesyouthfulness and physical fitness. It is apowerful token of love and friendship; easesdigestive or nervous disorders and mentaldistress; renews confidence and e...
Almandine is linked with achievement,improvement, self-confidence anddetermination. It enhances psychic ability;makes clear existing problems or difficulties;overcomes rivalry and obstacles in the for...
Venus correlates to harmony, growth anddevelopment as well as love and marriage. Italso extends to aesthetics, the affections, danceand music, fashion, femininity, materialism,personal finances, pleas...
Tiger’s eye defeats the opponent and ensuresvictory in any competitive situation;commands love and loyalty; offers protection from treachery and deception; strengthens thebody’s immune system.
Serpentine attracts respect and admiration;sharpens the intellect; rewards innovation andcreativity; offers the wearer protection fromhostility, jealousy or rivalry; improves the effectof medicine
Sardonyx inspires love, romance and vitality;helps confidence and fitness; ensures a result incontractual difficulties; wards off infectiousdisease; improves vision; heals fragilerelationships.
Onyx looks after business shrewdness; vitalizesthe imagination and increases stamina; dispelsnightmares and eases tension; brings emotionaland mental relief.
Chrysoprase brings joy to the wearer; sharpensthe intellect, opens up new areas and rewardsinitiative; gets rid of envy, jealousy andcomplacency; dispels anxiety, lifts depressionand helps insomnia
Agate promotes good health and fortune;increases physical stamina and brings benefitsthrough wills or legacies; repels anger, mistrustand enmity; affords protection against rumourand gossip.
Rock crystal represents purity, hope andchastity; expands conscious awareness andprophetic visions; brings trust and harmony;dispels bad dreams, delusion and illusion;safeguards the very young and ast...
Pumice is linked with purity, vision, truth anddevelopment. It helps sociability and personalgain; bestows success on long-term ventures;guards against illusion and delusion; bringscomfort to a troubl...
Pearl rewards charitable deeds and selflessactions with love and respect; promotesharmony and understanding; protects those travelling over water; eases muscular tensionand lifts depression.
Morganite induces love, devotion andfriendship; promises career advancement orimproved financial viability; reconcilesdifference of opinion and dispels anger; offerssafety to travellers in any dimensi...
Moonstone affords vitality and fertility; awardssuccess to artistic and creative efforts and newcommercial projects; heals relationship rifts;protects crops; aids digestion and concentration.
Magnesite clarifies vision, both literally andfiguratively; improves profitability and winsadmiration and respect; provides freedom fromadversity; aids digestion and releases emotionalstress.
Labradorite brings prophetic visions andexpands consciousness; promotes harmoniousrelationships; dispels anxiety, enmity and strife;gives relief from nervous disorders.
Gypsum signifies hope and youthfulness, andbenefits children and adults wanting to ‘go italone’. It reduces swellings and aids digestion;averts the envy of others; and brings peace ofmind.
Flint expands consciousness and promptsprophetic dreams; improves memory andheightens intellectual capacity. It also helpsward off physical danger, dispels melancholyand aids union between children an...
Feldspar (also felspar) strengthens bonds ofaffection and promotes marital happiness; it isassociated with fertility; mitigates quarrels andpoor situations; protects from sunstrokes,headaches and nose...
Chalcedony attracts public favour, recognitionand financial reward; increases popularity,enthusiasm and fitness; dispels gloom,despondency, envy or anger; affords protectionto travellers and helps nur...
Zircon energizes the body and will; heightensawareness and sharpens the intellect; brings richrewards; overcomes obstacles or opposition;strengthens the constitution; safeguardstravellers and property...
Tourmaline brightens up the imagination andsharpens the intellect; promotes harmony andbrings financial reward; defends the home fromtheft; improves vision, relieves tension and liftsdepression
Topaz bestows courage, determination, desire,confidence and judgment; promises health andjoy and prosperity; improves physical fitnessand raises the spirits; overcomes envy andmalice.
Heliodor gives the advantage to speculators,gamblers and sportsmen; promotes prosperityand happiness; prevents deception anddisillusionment; lifts depression and helps thebody recover and recuperate.
Diamond heightens awareness, encouragesenterprise and strengthens resolve; it bringspersonal progression and acclaim; affords relieffrom mental or emotional stress, confoundsenmity and protects from p...
Citrine is linked with boldness, courage,mastery; it promises victory over sporting,business or romantic rivalry; wards offinfections and any unwanted attention; preventsaccident or injury, especially...
Aventurine promotes health, vigour andcheerfulness; it promises emotional moralsupport in new commercial undertakings; getsrid of doubt, diminishes anxiety and easesbodily aches and pains; strengthens...
To get you started in your use of crystals andgemstones, there is a list below of those thatyou are most likely to use in your workings. Tomake it easy, they are categorized according totheir planetar...
Crystals are prepared for programming bycharging them. Programming a crystal alignsthe energy of the crystal to the intent. Using acarefully thought-out affirmation and directingthis to the centre of ...
When you acquire a new crystal you shouldfirst of all cleanse it and then dedicate thecrystal for the purpose intended. This can bedone simply by holding the crystal whileconsciously thinking that it ...
In Chinese thought, jade is very highly regarded,since it is said to embody the five cardinalvirtues: charity, modesty, courage, justice andwisdom. For this reason, it can be used as an aidto meditati...
There are many crystals that can be used inmagical workings and as you become morepractised in spell making, and more interested intheir various attributes, you will discover for yourself that certain...
In European-American traditions, many peoplebury candle wax and other remains after a spellis cast. Burial toward the appropriate quarter ofthe compass is considered a thoughtful way togo about this. ...
Generally a fast burn is good, but an overly fast burn means thatalthough the work will go well, its effect will notlast long. Again you might wait before retryingthe spell, though sometimes a fast re...
Provided that you know you have placed the candles properly, this indicates there is danger about for you and your client. You should clear your sacred space and cleanse it by whatever means you prefe...
This can mean that the spell you areusing is not the most appropriate one and youneed to use stronger means than you firstemployed. It can also mean that someone isactively working against you. In thi...
This means things are not going to go well – thespell may not work, the blessing may fail, theperson is in deeper stress or trouble than youfirst thought. There is a great deal of negativityaround. So...
This indicates that things will go well to beginwith, but there are other conditions that havenot yet revealed themselves and will need to beresolved. Someone may be working against therequired outcom...
When this happens, most workerswill examine the shape of the wax for a sign. For instance, a heart-shaped wax puddle is a goodsign if you are burning a red candle for a lovespell. You may see somethin...
while burning This gives you an opportunityto observe the flow of wax for signs. Quicklymelting wax shows there is a good deal ofpositivity available. If one side burns quickerthan the other, a balanc...
Check first for draughts and then decideintuitively whether there is a pattern to theflaring and guttering. If you are performing thespell with someone in mind, you may feel therecipient of your spell...
This might be called a successful burn and suggeststhe spell will most likely achieve the rightresult. If a glass-encased candle burns andleaves no marks on the glass that is best. If afree-standing c...
Not every magical practitioner takes heed ofthe manner in which spell-casting or ritualcandles burn; there is often a great deal to belearnt from understanding a little bit moreabout how to interpret ...
This is a quick, uncomplicated method of morefully charging a candle. This method can beused without having to set up your altarcompletely. It can equally be used to chargeyour altar candles.YOU WILL ...
Any oil can be used for dressing a candle butinitially it is best to use either your favouriteessential oil, such as frankincense, or perhapsan oil infused with a suitable herb appropriateto the task ...
Dressing (anointing) and charging candles areperhaps candle magic in its simplest form.Dressing a candle performs two functions. Byanointing it with oil you ensure that it burnssafely and you also hav...
There are several things you need to rememberwhen choosing a candle:1.Choose your candle type as above.2.Candles used for magic should always bevirgin (unused) at the start of the working,unless you h...
JUST AS A RECIPE contains ingredients, so thereare certain components that are needed inmagical workings, in order to enhance thepower and energy that is created. To theuninitiated some of these may s...
Developing a sacred space, and should youchoose to work with an athame, wand orchalice, you can use representations that arequite clearly associated with the idea behindthe magic. You might wish to ca...
Just as most modern-day priests will carrysmall versions of their consecrated tools withthem, in case they are needed, so every magicalpractitioner can do the same. In some ways thelatter are more for...
The staff is used very frequently bypractitioners today, particularly if they are ofthe Druidic persuasion. Longer than the wand,it has the same attributes and uses. A staff isdeliberately fashioned f...
The pestle and mortar are so symbolic of theunion of God and Goddess that they deserve aspecial mention within the use of magical tools.Mainly used to prepare herbal mixtures andincenses, they can als...
The pentacle is a shallow dish, which is usually inscribed with a pentagram – a five-pointed star. It is used as a ‘power point’ for consecrating other objects such as water or wine in a chalice, amul...
Traditionally, quill pens were used for writingspells and incantations, but if you can’t find aquill then use the best pen you can afford. Tryto keep it especially for magical work andconsecrate it by...
During spells you will often need to write yourwishes or aims down and it is good to have somepaper ready prepared. Parchment type is best,but heavier good quality is perfectly acceptable.You consecra...
The choice of this tool must be a personal matter.An incense burner should give plenty of room toallow the aromas and smoke to disperseproperly. Traditional material such as brass orclay may be used. ...
While this may seem a somewhat unusual tool,many spells, rituals and techniques require thatyou honour or face certain directions or compasspoints in their performance. It is also necessaryto know the...
Charcoal is a component of incense and oil burning. Nowadays, the best charcoal is usually found in compressed small discs of about 3 cm (1 inch). These give a burning time of approximately 45 minutes
Used as a ceremonial drinking vessel, thechalice is sometimes made from precious metal,although it can also be made from glass. Anelegant object, the chalice will usually bebeautifully decorated with ...
Because cauldrons were easily disguised ascooking utensils in olden days, most peopletoday tend to think of them as a large cast-ironpot. There has lately been a return to originalmaterials and nowada...
Candles are such an integral part of a spellmaker’s work that they have become a wholebranch of magic all their own. They representthe Element of Fire, but also light. Variouscolours bring different t...
A burine is a sharp-pointed instrument used forinscribing candles and other magical objectswith symbols, words and pictures in order tomake spells more effective. In many ways, it ismore effective tha...
The boline is a knife traditionally used incutting plants, herbs, wands and other objectsfor spells and other magical workings. It is akinto the gardener’s pruning knife as a useful,practical tool. It...
A besom is a different name for a broom, and isparticularly associated with the easilyrecognizable so-called ‘witch’s broom’ of old. Itis a particularly personal tool, and is oftenmade specially for t...
By tradition, the athame is a ceremonial knifeused especially in the performing of spells. It isnot intended for cutting herbs and so on: itsrole is ceremonial, for example indicating thequarters or d...
This is a general term for the objects that you place on your altar – candleholders, flower vases, crystals and so forth – which do not necessarily have a specific magical use of their own; they are p...
These devices use all the other forms of magic intheir formation, but principally representationaland symbolic magic. They are ‘charged’ (givenpower) magically and usually are worn orcarried on the pe...
In this system different symbols, rather thanobjects, are used to represent various ideas,people or goals. These symbols can be personalto you, or such things as Tarot cards, runes,Hebrew letters or n...
Representational magic involves using anobject that represents something or someonefor whom you are working the spell. It helps inconcentrating the energy and visualizing thedesire and the end result....
Knot magic works partly with the principle ofbinding, which is a type of bidding spell, andalso with that of weaving, which wastraditionally a female intuitive occupation. Itutilizes ribbon, rope, str...
Every stone or gem has its own attribute whichcan be used in magic. Crystals are used extensively in healing because of the vibrationalimpact they can have. Because of this, they lendthemselves to the...
In candle magic, man discovered the ability tocontrol light and this is one of the oldest formsof magic as well as one of the most simple.Using candles to symbolize ourselves and ourbeliefs means that...
Herbal magic is often used alongside manyother forms of magic. Used as talismans andamulets – for example in a pouch or bag – herbsbecome protective; the oil from herbs can also beused in candle magic...
Perhaps the simplest form of magic is thatwhich involves colour. This method of workingis also used in conjunction with various otherforms of magic. Colour can enhance, alter andcompletely change mood...
IN THIS PARTICULAR type of magic theElements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water aregiven their own directional focus to createadded power and give extra energy to yourspells. You will no doubt find that yo...
When you feel you are sufficiently adept atusing the other Elements, you may begin to usespirit – the fifth Element. This has no specialspace but is everywhere. It should never everbe used negatively ...
Water is the Element of the west and isrepresented by a bowl of water or a goblet ofwine or fruit juice. Its colour is blue and,because it represents the giving of life, it isassociated with the Eleme...
Fire is the Element of the south and is usuallyrepresented by a candle or a cauldron with afire inside. Its colour is red and its associationsare to do with power, determination andpassionate energy.Y...
Incense is often used to represent Air, since the movement of the air can be seen in the incense smoke. When you are looking for inspiration, need new ideas or perhaps to break free from the past or u...
Traditionally the direction of this Element isnorth and the colour normally associated withEarth is green. It is represented on the altarusually by salt or sand. Crystals, because theyare totally natu...
In most systems of magical working you willfind mentioned the four (or sometimes five)Elements, often in conjunction with theirdirections or, as they are known in magic,quarters of the universe or car...
This type of spell prepares the magical workerand his helpers for further work by heighteningtheir awareness. It does not set out to call up thepowers, but appeals to gods, goddesses,powers of nature ...
These call on what is believed to be the ultimatesource of power, which differs from spell tospell. Quite literally, they call up that powerand ask for permission to use this influence fora stated pur...
Within this type of spell it is wise to go beyondthe presenting symptoms and to ask for healingon all levels of existence – physical, mental andspiritual – because the practitioner may nothave the kno...
These might be counted either as prayers orspells and need a passionate concentration onbringing, for instance, peace of mind or healingto the recipient. They hold no danger for thepractitioner but ar...
These are spells where the spell makercommands a particular thing to happen, butwithout the co-operation of those involved.Trying to make someone do something whichthey do not want to do, or which goe...
Many people’s first thought in this context is oflove spells – ways of making another personfind them sexually attractive and desirable. Intheory, love spells should be unconditional andthis type shou...
We do not control that which we are drawn to. Nor does it control us. Witchcraft is a symbiotic relationship between Witch and World, Living and Dead, Universe and Spirit. Growing on one another, feed...
There is so much rage in the world now, and much of it is justified. The problem is that the rage in people becomes misdirected, lashing out wheresoever annoyance can be found. You’re allowed to...
Witches do not walk in straight lines, in fact there are no lines, there are no rules to bind us, for we are free flowing entities of Nature. Walking in the peripherals has never been for the faint of...
Today’s “culture” (look up the etymology) invests so much time and energy toxifying masculinity, that the balance needs to be redressed. What do YOU think…? “The Magic of...
Discovering yourself, and defining yourself as Witch can be as long or short of a process as you make it. Learning the vital differences, however subtle, between Jinxing, Hexing, Banishing, Binding an...
IN ANCIENT PAGAN communities the elders, orwise ones, had, by their very experience, anawareness of custom and a firm grasp ofwhat had previously worked when trying togain control over Mother Nature a...
Today there is a rich heritage of magical practicesand beliefs on which we can call to satisfy ourneed for control over our own lives. Whereconventional religion no longer offers an outletfor our sens...
Curiosity, exploration and secrecyOne of most interesting characters from earlytimes was Abraham Abulafia (1240–95), whomade available much arcane knowledge, whichultimately formed the basis of Kabbal...
IT IS SOMETIMES best not to attempt anydefinition of ancient magic and magicalbelief. However, in any discussion of magicand its practitioners we must take account of aperiod in which the magical trad...
Ancient beliefs and practices are the mainstay ofmagic. Modern-day spells often have their rootsin ancient rituals and today’s rituals arise fromknowledge of age-old spells.While we might make an atte...
SACRED GEOMETRY MEANS different things todifferent people. The artists of theRenaissance period discovered theGolden Mean – a ratio which helped them to construct a perfect picture, calculated as1:l.6...
Over the centuries many different schools ofFeng Shui have developed. The basic principlesare broadly the same, though each school has aslightly different focus. There are three mainschools in existen...
ONE OF THE most important adjustmentsthat we can make as we begin to workconsistently with magic is to theenvironment in which we live and to our ownpersonal space. As we reach an internal peacewe cre...
THE WORD GEOMANCY (from the Latin geo,‘Earth’, mancy ‘prophecy’) had a differentmeaning in ancient times from that it hastoday and we shall deal with that aspect first. Itwas a method of divination us...
There are, in fact, several customs associatedwith birth and the surrounding period whichhave survived without people today necessarilyappreciating their magical significance. In Celticlore, the ‘toad...
This spell uses crystals and symbolism. Theblue stone is reputed to bring about harmony inrelationships and to help its wearer to be true tothemselves, and to be able to openly state theiropinion. The...
There are many folkloric remedies for the evileye, ranging from painting an eye on the prowof a boat in the Mediterranean, supposedly tooutstare the sorcerer, to passing a plate filledwith burning coa...
YOU WILL NEEDPiece of deer’s antlerHair from a black mare’s tailSilver tip for the antlerCairngorm stone (a type of smoky quartz)METHOD✤ Wind the horsehair around one end of theantler at least nine ti...
YOU WILL NEEDLemonIron nailsMETHOD✤ Drive the nails with some force into the lemon.✤ Visualize the evil eye being pierced.✤ Keep the lemon for three days, by which timeit should begin to rot.✤ If it d...
YOU WILL NEEDOlive oilBowl of waterMETHOD✤ Drip three drops of olive oil on the surface ofthe water.✤ Watch what happens.✤ If the drops remain distinct there is no evil eye.✤ If they run together ther...
The evil eye is an ancient, widespread anddeeply held belief in more than one third of theworld’s cultures, but is particularly stronglyfeared even today in countries of Mediterraneanorigin, and also ...
Spells designed to bring about a difference inbodily appearance in order to dissolvemischievous enchantments by the fairy folk orfrequenters of the lower world were legion inmost cultures. In Celtic l...
YOU WILL NEEDWhite candleCorn dollyFireproof receptacleEither the sticky burrs from a cleavers plant(which has a cleansing effect) or several pieces ofpaper on which you have written your irritationsM...
YOU WILL NEEDTwo small handfuls of corn stalksGreen and yellow wool or cottonTrailing greenery (ivy or grape vine are ideal)Appropriately coloured ribbons for the ritual(e.g. red or orange for Lammas)...
Ways of dealing with problems within thecommunity, which used a blend of Christianand pagan rituals, was partly a product of theinteraction between Christianity and paganism.Pagan belief demanded ritu...
FOLKLORISTS BELIEVE THAT the first festivalsarose because of the anxieties of earlypeoples who did not understand theforces of nature and wished to placate them.The people noted the times and seasons ...
The majority of people who are new to spellworking will acknowledge that for them commonsense backed up by practical action is normallymore productive than theoretical or mysticalthinking. In magical ...
Cut a piece of yellow ribbon that’s the length of wrapping it around your waist once. Say, as you tie your knots: “By knot of 1, my overeating is done. By knot of 2, I exercise too. By kno...
Pluto in a nutshell is all about death and resurrection, the unknown and secrets, and cosmic purpose and destiny. But what about the moons? All of Pluto’s moons have great significance and are tied to...
They have been around for thousands of years in one form or another, and over time so many folktales and superstitions have been developed around them. Going back to ancient times mirrors were used to...
Lets examine the curious and sometimes sinister superstitions that have grown up around clocks over the years, and related how a stopped clock was often related to a death in many folk beliefs. Now th...
Three fires are burning within me,three fires, no less and no more;three flames are flickering in methat drive me and dance at my core. The first is faith, the bright lanternwith a steady beacon of li...
Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice, is a pagan holiday celebrated on or around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the longest day and shortest night of the year, and marks the official ...
Today fairies are not just for little girls’ imagination, they’re for witches and magical practitioners too. There’s a magical trend – working with the unseen world, namely working with the fae. There...
MAGICK CHANT FOR POWER AND PROTECTION“I call upon the powerful, cosmic guardians who have the magnetic force to bring power and strength to those who believe.I now declare and affirm that I am a livin...
Listen to the words of The dark Goddess of Transformation; She who of old was also called among men Kali, Hecate, Cerridwen, Lilith, Persephone, Fata, Morgana, Ereshkigal, Arianhrod, Durga, Inanna, Ti...
This is a little herbal charm you can use to help ward off illnesses you might pick up from other people (like a cold). A small branch or twig (about 3 inches long)Sprig of dried rosemaryGardenia peta...