
Shining Spirituality

Things ARE working for you right now. What’s in your heart, mind, and spirit must manifest. The timing of it is perfect as it is. Don’t judge yourself when you don’t see instant results. Don’t compare...

The Ancient Midwinter Deer-Mother Goddess.

Female reindeer are unique with regard to other deer species in that they grow and shed antlers. This attribute is part of the mythology and spirituality of the shamanistic Sámi people who tell a stor...

Oshun Oil

( Caridad Del Cobre Holy Oil)Use this oil to honor the River Goddess and draw love and prosperity.Use these essential oils to create this holy oil:*SWEET Orange*ROSE Scent, which can be one or more of...

Invisibility through fairy magic

This ritual is originally found in the 1584 Discoverie of Witchcraft. I have modernized the English but left the original spell as it is. (Note: this is a separate experiment with Sibylia.) This is th...

Gazing at a fire

Gazing at a fire is mesmerizing and trance inducing. When we gaze at a flickering flame, our brain begins to shift out of beta brainwave state, which is associated with thinking and alertness, into al...

Creating a Garden Sanctuary

A personal outdoor sanctuary is an important part of feeling connected to all of life.Each of us has been blessed with an innate need to celebrate and glorify life. At a most basic level, we honor the...

What It Means To Be A Spiritual Person Vs. A Religious Person

What It Means To Be A Spiritual Person Vs. A Religious PersonKnowing the difference will let you discover your truth… Are you a spiritual person or a religious person? People are inclined to thi...