
Samhain Spells, Blessings, and POWERFUL Forms of Divination

Every year, when Samhain rolls around, my urge to create, craft, and communicate with the spirits becomes almost too much to bear. So what do I do? I give in to the urge, of course! I cast Samhain spe...

Candle Flame Love Divination

You will need the following items for this spell: candle of any colourmatch/lighterLight the candle and meditate. once you feel ready, open your eyes and study the flame: a rising flame means you burn...

Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Divination is a practice that has been used for centuries by people of different cultures and religions to gain insight into the unknown. For Solitary Pagans, divination is a powerful tool that can be...

An Explanation of Divination

Among other things, Divination can be termed as foretelling the future, finding objects and people, and determining guilt by means of information obtained from signs, omens, dreams, visions, and divin...

Cauldron Divination

Divination is an art that has been practiced in one form or another since ancient times and in all levels of culture. There are a number of ways in which a cauldron can be used for divining. One metho...


Today, most people look at Ouija boards and think, “Why would you want to open the gates of Hell?” It wasn’t always that way, however. The Ouija board came straight out of the “Spiritualism” movement,...

A Glossary of Divination

AEROMANCY divination from the air and sky, particularly concentrating on cloud shapes, comets, and other phenomena not normally visible in the heavens. ALCHEMY is the practice of transmutation of base...

Symbolism for Divination

● Acorn- youth, strength, man, small start for large accomplishment● Airplane- travel, new projects● Anchor- voyage, rest, problem solved, security● Arrow- news, disagreements, direct action● Basket- ...

Mirror Divination

One of the most ancient forms of divination is crystallomancy or catoptromancy, performed with a magic mirror. The Magi of Persia are said to have used mirrors, as well as the ancient Greeks and Roman...


A pendulum can be made of any weighted object on a string. It can be a stoneweight, crystal, metal, or even just a button on some thread. You don’t need to go spendmoney at all, just use what you have...

The Sigillum Aemeth

The Sigillum Aemeth, or Seal of Truth, illustrated above, was inscribed by John Dee upon a disk of “perfect wax” that was nine inches in diameter (nine is the number of the moon) and one inch thick. I...

Tea Leaves

Anything from clouds, crystals, incense smoke, or tarot, oracle, or playing cards can be read for divining purposes. All you need is to feel attuned to interpreting what you see. Images may appear to ...