Author: A Solitary Pagan

Invoking Fire

Fire is the Element of the south and is usuallyrepresented by a candle or a cauldron with afire inside. Its colour is red and its associationsare to do with power, determination andpassionate energy.You would call upon this Element forprotection from evil forces, cleansing andcreativity. The quality associated with Fire is‘doing’ and it is a male principle. It is the thirdquarter or cardinal point...

Invoking Air

The direction of this Element is east and thecolour usually associated with it is yellow.Incense is often used to represent Air, since themovement of the air can be seen in the incensesmoke.When you are looking for inspiration, neednew ideas or perhaps to break free from thepast or undesired situations, you would usethis Element. The quality associated with it isthat of thinking or the use of the ...

Invoking Earth

Traditionally the direction of this Element isnorth and the colour normally associated withEarth is green. It is represented on the altarusually by salt or sand. Crystals, because theyare totally natural substances, can also be used. When invoking Earth and the powers of thenorth, you are looking for recovery and healingand perhaps trying to find answers to questions.These powers deal with gaining...


In most systems of magical working you willfind mentioned the four (or sometimes five)Elements, often in conjunction with theirdirections or, as they are known in magic,quarters of the universe or cardinal points.Together and separately they are extremelypowerful sources of energy and can give atremendous boost to your spell making. EachElement also comes under the protection of oneof the Archange...


This type of spell prepares the magical workerand his helpers for further work by heighteningtheir awareness. It does not set out to call up thepowers, but appeals to gods, goddesses,powers of nature and so on for help. Chanting, prayer and hymns are in manyways incantations, particularly when the intentis stated with some passion. An incantation isoften very beautiful and rhythmic. Music hasalway...


These call on what is believed to be the ultimatesource of power, which differs from spell tospell. Quite literally, they call up that powerand ask for permission to use this influence fora stated purpose. Meddling with this powerand calling up negative forces is extremelyunwise and very foolish.Spells for selfish personal power or to gainpower over others will often backfire on theunwary and may ...

Healing spells and charms

Within this type of spell it is wise to go beyondthe presenting symptoms and to ask for healingon all levels of existence – physical, mental andspiritual – because the practitioner may nothave the knowledge or correct information toenable him to diagnose a condition correctly.The natural energies and specific vibrations areenhanced by invocations, incantations andblessings wherever appropriate.Fre...

Blessings Spells

These might be counted either as prayers orspells and need a passionate concentration onbringing, for instance, peace of mind or healingto the recipient. They hold no danger for thepractitioner but are sometimes more difficult toappreciate since they tend to be more generalthan other types of magical work. They may bethought of in terms of a positive energy from beyond the practitioner, being chan...

Bidding spells

These are spells where the spell makercommands a particular thing to happen, butwithout the co-operation of those involved.Trying to make someone do something whichthey do not want to do, or which goes againsttheir natural inclination, obviously requires agreat deal of power and energy and canpossibly misfire, causing the originator of thespell a good deal of difficulty.For this reason, it is wise...

Love spells

Many people’s first thought in this context is oflove spells – ways of making another personfind them sexually attractive and desirable. Intheory, love spells should be unconditional andthis type should be entirely unselfish and freefrom self-interest. However, most of the timethey obviously cannot be so, unless they areperformed by a third party, someone outsidethe longed-for relationship who is ...

What We Are Drawn to

We do not control that which we are drawn to. Nor does it control us. Witchcraft is a symbiotic relationship between Witch and World, Living and Dead, Universe and Spirit. Growing on one another, feeding off Dreams of Ancestor and dying in the Shadows. Voices always carry where eyes cannot follow, and there you are in Echo… facing Self again, blind to your own words and yet recognising the cadence...

Rage under The Morrigan

There is so much rage in the world now, and much of it is justified. The problem is that the rage in people becomes misdirected, lashing out wheresoever annoyance can be found. You’re allowed to be annoyed. But attacking someone out of your annoyance is a misdirect of power. It breaks sovereignty. It waters down your own power… because rather than being true to what is actually boiling...