Elements / Fire Magick / Spells

Invoking Fire

Fire is the Element of the south and is usually
represented by a candle or a cauldron with a
fire inside. Its colour is red and its associations
are to do with power, determination and
passionate energy.
You would call upon this Element for
protection from evil forces, cleansing and
creativity. The quality associated with Fire is
‘doing’ and it is a male principle. It is the third
quarter or cardinal point on which you call for
protection when working in a magical circle.
Without salamanders, the spirit of Fire, it is
said that physical fire cannot exist. They have
been seen as sparks or small balls of light, but

most often they are perceived as being lizardlike in shape and about 30 cm or more in length.
They are considered the strongest and most
powerful of all the Elementals. As nature spirits
they are greatly affected by the way that
mankind thinks. Out of control, salamanders
can be considered dangerous.

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