Witches do not walk in straight lines, in fact there are no lines, there are no rules to bind us, for we are free flowing entities of Nature.
Walking in the peripherals has never been for the faint of heart, for within shadows there are shadows.
Our own Shadow self may be our ally or our foe, we need to identify which witch, is which witch, when working with Spirit, spirits, and the Fae.
Wisdom comes at a price. Every ritual, each spell, even your own protection takes your energy, your youth, and sometimes your life.
Think of those who came before.
The centuries of persecution.
The testing which herbs and/or mushrooms cure or kill.
Yes! Being a Witch takes its toll.
Standing at the crossroads is beautiful in a dark kind of way, primal to its very core, but which path to take?
That old adage “practice makes perfect” yeah! That doesn’t apply to the Witchcrafter, for we are never going to reach perfection.
Our Magic comes from the imperfect, our magic comes from us.
Who among us IS perfect?
Putting in the effort needed to create ritual, or spell, is hard work and you can’t expect magic or healing to work if you try to cut corners, and actually it doesn’t always work, but we are persistent…
You can’t cheat and use someone else’s words for your magic. They have no power for you, or your own kind of magic.
You can’t send strength and healing energy if you don’t understand it, or how it works, for it could easily side track and become something you did not intend.
Practice is key, understanding nature, and the world of nature, is vital to understanding the vibrational energy you invoke to send any intent over the ether remotely.
Witch Crafting takes practice, time and energy.
Ground work is key to your magic, think of that:
Ground work!
Connection to everything.
Connection to the vibrations, and the energy.
Connecting to the Elements, the Elementals and the very Universe.
If you have side tracked over the years from your own childhood ability to do this, then my advice is to reconnect to find your way back to the vibrational energy.
Allow your guides to find you.
Allow Ancesters to protect you.
Allow Spirit to guide you.
Many have the ability to heal in so many ways. Healing energy is our life essence, and using it for others needs a steady practitioner, who is happy in their own skin so to speak.
Healers have practiced and honed their craft, they have ventured onto the darkest paths to understand and learn about themselves, the herbs’ true nature, and the fungi’s power.
They understand that this path can feel lonely, deep, soul churning lonely, because most do not understand, or are simply afraid of you.
But that’s OK, they still come even if it is with trepidation…
Healing takes practice, time, energy, and can leave you exhausted, mentally and physically.
It is the practitioners responsibility to care for themselves first.
Think first aider.
Look after your own energy safety first, you are no use if you are incapacitated, or dead!
Practicing long line healing is a special skill, sending your own energy can be dangerous if you are not practiced or protected.
Be aware, there are also others that practice their skills on the ether, and you must be careful to ensure you have properly created enough protection.
Learning how to protect yourself before you start on the path of this wonderful journey of witchcraft is an essential first step.
For there are those who are a danger to you, they can smell your lack of skills.
I’m not just talking other, darker, more sinister witches, although they are a nuisance and may also be dangerous, I also mean the creatures, or entities, that reside in the realms between.
They are timeless energies that wait for a light to show itself…
Time, as you know, it does not mean a jot on the ethereal…
Don’t be that light!
Practice protections, create a bubble, practice going dark in your bubble, do not draw attention to yourself whilst out there.
Create a tether to the real world.
For If you get lost, how will you know where to come back to?
Have you found you ‘collect’ things with out really thinking or asking yourself why?
Isn’t it wonderful?
There you are with your little collections of twigs, acorns and bones, natural items found along the way, or a little vile of bloody tissue collected from your last wound, a jar of herbs thats just waiting for you to add the last ingredient for something specific, for when the vibration feels right.
Oh yes, and don’t forget the old withered ivy stem that now surrounds a small glass vase that sang your name as you almost passed it by!
The part-used smudge bundle, or those little rocks from the beach that you’ve painted an invisible sigil on to create your unique water connection in the comfort of your own home!
And of course, the mortar and pestle with remnants of black salt or herbs …
Do you see?
You are already part way there my friend.
When you put the work in, when you have made those beautiful sometimes painful connections, there is no going back.
Once you have found your way to the “between here, and there” you won’t want to, to be fair.
You will know when you connected to that energy, believe me it’s like nothing that can be put into words.
It’s between shadow and light where the air is musty and so thin it cuts like a blade.
Once you know this, you will be drawn to it again and again on those nights your dreams are seeking cure or curse.
We are not the pretty witches who play at “magick” we are the witches, the shamans, the seidr, the real deal my friends, and we are so much more than what you read on other pages, so much more than a pretty crystal or a glorious cloak of many colours.
We are the healers, the comforters.
We are like whispers on the edge of others reality.
Always remember we are creatures of this Earth, and we are the same organic creatures as every other animal that exists, or has existed.
Flesh and bone dear ones!
With an edge, for we understand…
We are the creatures who can travel between realms.
We put in the work, we learn the craft, we give up the mundane world for a greater understanding.
But no one gets anywhere through sloth and avarice.
Know who you are, and from where you came. I don’t mean bloodline, I am speaking of evolution from amoebas and ferns, only then can you know where you are going!