Angel Magick

The Children of the Grigori

Angels are strictly forbidden to associate with the Children of the Grigori or, God forbid, any actual remaining Grigori they might run across in the course of a mission.
Amaros – Taught men the resolving of enchantments.
Araqiel (Arakiel) – Taught men the signs of the earth.
Azazel – Taught men to make knives, swords and shield; to devise ornaments, coloring tinctures for the beautifying of women, etc.
Baraqijal (Baraqel) – Taught men astrology.
Ezequeel (Ezekeel) – Taught men the knowledge of the clouds.
Gadreel – Introduced weapons of war to mortals.
Kokabel (Kawkabel) – Taught the science of the constellation.
Penemue – Instructed mankind in writing “and thereby, many sinned from eternity to eternity and until this day. For man was not created for such a purpose.” Penemue also taught the children the “bitter and sweet, and the secrets of wisdom.
Sariel – Taught men the course of the moon.
Semjaza – Taught men enchantments, roots cutting, etc.
Shamshiel – Taught men the sign of the sun.

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