Tree Magick


Also known as mountain ash, witchwood, sorb
apple and quickbeam, the rowan has long been

known as an aid and protection against
enchantment by beguiling. Sacred to the Druids
and the Goddess Brigit, it is a very magical tree,
which is used for wands and amulets. A forked
rowan branch can help find water; wands of
rowan wood are for knowledge, locating metal
and general divination. Indeed, this is the wood
to use for making any magical tool that has
anything to do with divining, invocation and
communication with the spirit realms. The
rowan has the ability, perhaps more than any
other tree, to help us increase our psychic
abilities. It has a beneficial energy, which will
increase our abilities to receive visions and
In the past it was valued as a protection
against enchantment, witches, unwanted
influences and evil spirits. Sprigs of rowan
were placed over doorways and fixed to cattle
sheds to protect the animals from harm. Speer
posts – magically protective house timbers
inscribed with runes and magically charged
patterns – were traditionally made of rowan
wood. Rowan bushes were often grown near
stone circles as protective devices.
Rowan will help you to discriminate between
what will do you harm and good, and help you
deal with anything which threatens you

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