One stitch at a time, strengthening
Weaving new life into lost darkened places…
I’ve stepped up for this, been chosen for this
Asked by my Ancestors to take on this task.
So grateful for their blessings
And their hearts which surround me.
“There is nothing to fear”, they tell me
Just keep re-weaving the old stories
Into new ones, strong and unbreakable
Foundation built on courage, strength, and love
“You can do it, don’t give up”, they say
We are backing you all the way
You’ve begun with mending your own stories
Alchemizing the darkness into gold
Now it’s time to let that gold expand
Into the stories of those who came before you,
And those who come after you
Allow the gold thread to tie your new stories into theirs
Lending energy to them,
To re-write their own stories
It isn’t easy but it is very possible
Keep expanding that golden shining light
In both directions
Until the huge masterpiece of your sacred lineage
Is whole, mended, and complete.
You have all the colors available to you, they say,
Weave us all into a perfect rainbow again
We surround you with love, holding you up
As you dream a new story for all of us
We are coming closer to full freedom
Of the past, of all the suffering
Of the shackles of old
Of being beaten down into the ground
Thank you for choosing this work,
For standing up, for saying yes
Thank you for answering the call.
We are being freed, wings opening wide
We will be flying high soon
One big rainbow in the sky
With golden wings outstretched.