Write messages and notes for deceased loved ones on autumn leaves and let the wind carry them where they need to go.
Carve sigils and symbols to promote spirit work into pumpkins and place on altars or around your property.
Collect pinecones and pine boughs and tie in bundles to be placed around a room you want to discourage spirits from visiting during the thinning veil time (i.e. your bedroom, bathroom, etc.).
Read a favorite book or book passage in a graveyard to the local spirits and ghosts. Bonus points for also playing or singing a favorite song.
Enchant candles you place in your jack o’ lanterns to greet and guide spirits peacefully and with love.
Erect an ancestor altar; include pictures, items, food that were favorites of deceased loved ones (including pets!!).
Pour an additional drink or fill a small plate with part of your meal as a tribute to household spirits or ghosts.
Do your divination outside during dawn or dusk times.
Invite spirits and ghosts to join you in watching your favorite holiday movies (”Nightmare Before Christmas”, “Halloween”, “Hocus Pocus”, etc.).
Leave birdseed or bird/animal safe homemade crackers outside for your local messengers of the dead.
Bury offerings for the Underworld and Kerberos (again, assuming they’re critter-safe).
Make crockpot soups and stews enchanted with prosperity, healing, love, and warmth
Paint sigils in water/sugar under or on top of baked goods before popping into oven for charging.
Pick up debris in a local graveyard while talking pleasantly to the spirit occupants.