When you’re feeling sluggish or just generally “down in the dumps” try this energy spell to help rev you up a little. All you need is:
orange candles for a energy spell in witchcraft
Orange candles have great spell energy
One orange candle
Orange yarn
A cinnamon stick
A heat-proof dish
Your length of yarn should be enough to go around the candle a few times. Wrap it around, and tie 3 knots in the yarn as you go so that they lie somewhat equally around the diameter of the candle. Set it in a candle holder and start to focus on your spell.
Concentrate on energy coming up from the Earth, and flowing up through your feet until it reaches your head. Once it’s filled your body, light the candle. Say the following out lout:
Energy, power, rise up the tower,
Energy, power, rise up the tower,
Energy, power, rise up the tower
Holding one end of the cinnamon stick, put the other in the candle until it lights. Let it burn and smoulder for a few moments, then set it in the fire-proof dish. Think about the heat of the flame until it burns itself out. Let the candle keep burning until it is done.