Nature is the great teacher, in her are all things revealed. Nature reflects the higher ways of the spirit. The creators established the law of nature so that through them we might come to know the laws of the Great Ones. Therefore, observe the ways of nature around you, both great and small. Everything has a purpose and reason. Be not confused by its seeming cruelty, for there s a duality in all things.
Respect Nature in all ways. Take only that which you must from her, and remember nothing can be taken except that something be given. This is law for all Witches.
Know that the winds speak of the knowledge of the earth, and the spirit of the kindness of all living things emanates from everywhere.
Nature teaches all living things all that must be known. She teaches birds to make their nests, animals to hunt and survive, children to crawl and walk. She teaches life. Once she taught all people of her ways, but they chose to go their own way. They chose to oppose her and to control her. But for the witches there can be no other way than hers. A witch must live in harmony with the forces of nature.